Integrated training and work centre

Creation and development of talent in the food industry

The food branch is more than an educational choice: it is a safe investment in your future.

Do you want to study at KREAS? Do you need us to guide you? Call us!

+34 972 26 07 14

Talent a la indústria alimentària

La branca alimentària és més que una elecció educativa: és una inversió segura en el teu futur.

+34 972 26 07 14
Services for people

Aimed at improving training, professional qualifications and the integration of people into the labour market.

Services to companies

Focused on achieving objectives regarding the incorporation and management of talent in companies in the sector.

Services to educational centers

Focused on promoting the agri-food sector and its professional opportunities among the educational community.

Your best ally to train and work in the food sector

Why study at KREAS?

We offer training in K-100% dual format that will allow you to train both academically and professionally, and has the commitment of the business fabric.

  • Top-level training

  • Work experience

  • Economic remuneration

  • Personal growth

number of students
hours of training provided
employment rate
collaborating companies

Training in person and online to adapt to your needs

Training offer

Undergraduate Training Cycles

Professional certificates

Continuous training for companies

We are one of the first integrated centers in Catalonia, pioneers in connecting education, business and basic services to offer complete professional training adapted to the future.

Interested in studying abroad?

A sector with high employability

The food sector

The food and beverage industry is the first industrial branch of the State, a strategic sector with a high labour demand that requires qualified professionals with work experience.

Food technology

Food technology, meat industries, milk and derivatives, cereals, fruits and vegetables, food preparation and conservation treatments.

Food and beverage analysis

Food and beverage analysis, laboratory organization, physical and physicochemical assays and microbiological and sensory control.

Nutrition and food safety

Nutrition, food safety, quality management, environmental protection, PRL and sustainability.

Organization of production

Organization of production, electromechanical maintenance, control and conduction of processes and digitization.

Food innovation

Food innovation, sensory analysis, business and entrepreneurial initiative, communication, marketing and logistics.

8 out of every 10 students who finish our studies work in the food sector.

Un sector amb una alta ocupabilitat

El sector alimentari

La indústria de l’alimentació i de les begudes és la primera branca industrial de l’Estat, un sector estratègic i amb una elevada demanda laboral que requereix professionals qualificats i amb experiència laboral.

Tecnologia alimentària

Tecnologia alimentària, indústries càrnies, llet i derivats, cereals, fruites i hortalisses, tractaments de preparació i conservació dels aliments.

Anàlisi d’aliments i begudes

Anàlisi d’aliments i begudes, organització del laboratori, assajos físics i fisicoquímics i control microbiològic i sensorial.

Nutrició i seguretat alimentària

Nutrició, seguretat alimentària, gestió de la qualitat, protecció medioambiental, PRL i sostenibilitat.

Organització de la producció

Organització de la producció, manteniment electromecànic, control i conducció de processos i digitalització.

Innovació alimentària

Innovació alimentària, anàlisis sensorial, empresa i iniciativa emprenedora, comunicació, comercialització i logística.

8 de cada 10 alumnes que finalitzen els nostres estudis treballen al sector alimentari.

Collaborating companies

Creation and development of talent in the food industry

Contact us